آخرین مطالب

کیمیاگری که دردره ای بی آب «باغ جادو»آفرید+ویدئو کسب وکارهای ایرانی - کارآفرینان وکارآفرینی

کیمیاگری که دردره ای بی آب «باغ جادو»آفرید+ویدئو

داستان پرویزملک زاده وباغ جادودرهمدان

تاج پرس

جهت ارتباط با کانال باغ جادو از طریق لینک فوق وارد شوید

لینک کانال تلگرام باغ جادو http://telegram.me/baghjadoo

پیج اینستاگرام : parvizmalekzadeh8685 

بوسه بردستی زنم کز روی عشق سبز را در قلب من سبزینه کرد

بوسه بردستی زنم کز روی مهر شاخه بشکسته را چون قلب بشکسته درون ذهن من نقشینه کرد

از کودکی باطبیعت خو گرفتم وعشق به طبیعت را از پدرم (مرحوم حاج خلیل ملک زاده) آموختم وبه ارث بردم و با انس ودوستی با طبیعت بزرگ شدم ودر کودکی خاطره های عشق به طبیعت را پر رنگ تر از هر خاطره دیگری به یاد می آورم .آن روزها به شکل آب دادن به درخت تشنه ،غذا دادن به گنجشک گرسنه وبازی در طبیعت سبز وخرم بود واکنون که سالها می گذرد نه تنها ذره ای از آن علاقه کم نشده بلکه روز به روز با دیدن شگفتی ها وسیعتر می شود .


پرویز ملک زاده در سن شش سالگی در کنار خواهر وبرادرش


پرویز ملک زاده در سن بیست سالگی



پرویز ملک زاده در سن چهل سالگی


پرویز ملک زاده در سن شصت سالگی


ولی توان خرید قطعه زمینی را نداشتم ودرصدد بودم که از دولت قطعه زمینی را دریافت نمایم و بعد از اینکه موز وآناناس و کیوی وفلفل سیاه هنـدی وپرتقال را در کنار درختان سردسیری در یک فضای 70 متری حیاط وپشت بام وراه پله بارها وبارها از سیمای جمهوری اسلامی و در برنامه های متعدد به نمایش گذاشتـم مسئولین برآن شدند که زمینی را به قیمت کارشناسی و به قیمت فروش خانه باغ جادویی ام واگذار نمایند و دوندگی و نامه نگاریها بـرای دریافت زمین بیش از 11 سال طول کشید وزمین واقع در دره گرگ همدان به من واگذار شد که از شوق واشتیاق دیرینه وهمانند عاشقی که به معشوق میرسد عواقب کـار را در نظـر نگرفته وبعد از اینکه به وسیله انفجار، بلدوزر، لودر، گریدر، کمپرسور و بردن سنگ ها و آوردن خاک مناسب زمین آماده شد ابتدا درخت کاشتم وبعد چـاه زدم غافل از اینکه این دره آب ندارد و در سند زمین سهمیه آب منظور نشده درختهای فوق العاده کاشتم. اما به شهادت تمام همسایگان باتانکر آب تهیه می کردم و بجــای موسسه تحقیقاتی وادامه فعالیت هایم مرتب به فکر احداث استخر وتهیه آب برای آبیاری درختان بودم ودر این سالها میوه های حاصله را برای شادی روح پـدرم که سبز را در قلب من سبزینه کرده بود تقسیم میکنم و یکی از انگیزه های من این است که نام همدان (شهر اطلسی ها) که خود بر آن نهادم در جهان پـرآوازه گردد وبه همدانا مشهور شود. هیچ ادعایی ندارم جز اینکه دین خود را به مام میهن ادا کنم و آرزو دارم که انشاءا... این کارها را انجام دهم: یکی اینکه رشد گیاه را به چشم ببینم ویکی اینکه بوته گوجه فرنگی سایبان درختان زردآلو، گوجه قرمز، قطره طلا، آلو گردد.

(درختان با ارتفاع 5 سانتیمتراز بالای خاک وبوته گوجــه فرنگی 10 سانتیمتر )








I got acquainted with nature as a child and inherited the love of nature from my father, watering plants, feeding animals and playing in the green plains, learning anthers and friendships with nature, and at age 6 I knew all the trees.
This is the first part of Parviz Malekzadeh’s remarks, the genius gardener of the Hamedan who has garnered media attention with his amazing innovations in the "Magic Garden" and for many years has been pursuing research on nature and plants.
To interview the tasteful gardener, whom the media referred to as Gardening Genius, Mr. Organic Products and Hamadanian Alchemist, we went through the steep slopes of the Alvand rocky terrain to reach a garden there is this impressive statement: “Malek is this garden’s temporary owner”. As if it meant deep thought and ideas behind the construction of the garden.
Malekzadeh, who began her talk with an open, inner calm that stemmed from associating with plants, expressed most of her words in the form of poetry and humorous expressions and literary jokes.
Recalling his childhood memories of his love of nature more vividly than any other, he recalled his efforts to fulfill his great dreams.
Unable to buy a piece of land and planted bananas, pineapples, kiwi, black pepper and oranges alongside cold region trees in a 70-meter-wide yard and rooftop patio until he has been repeatedly featured on the Islamic Republic"s various medias because of his extraordinary action, prompting officials to give him land in exchange of his home.
Speaking of the mood of those days to reach this piece of land that had been given to him on the rocky slope of Alvand, one could see the eagerness in his eyes and imagine how like Farhad (the great lover in the history of Iran) had hit the hard rocks to find a way to fulfill his dreams and implement his ideas and make the impossible, possible for future generations.
This tireless gardener of Hamadan described the process of preparing this rocky land as simple and easy as if a miracle of love had closed his eyes on the hardships of a mountain blast, smoothing the land, supplying 2,500 stone trucks and 400 trucks of agricultural soil and construction of pools and water supply with tankers.
Now, with the passage of time and enduring hardships, it has taken 45 years of research by the tireless gardener and researcher, and now he has got a fascinating green garden with more than 50 types of the best varieties of fruit trees and wild flowers.
Now the marvelous one-and-a-half-hectare garden of Malekzadeh with the growth of modified varieties of fruit trees such as black pear, apple tree, yellow and red plum, gold and yellow plum, cherry, peach and grape varieties. And even varieties that are incompatible with Hamadan climates such as jujube, sumac, pomegranate and fig, along with varieties of walnut, almond and sycamore produces products about three tons a year.
But the unique features of this garden are such as the cultivation of a gold plum tree sitting on the ground next to a strawberry bush, or an apple tree with three different apples of different colors and flavors, or a plum cluster tree such as date clusters. Or a variety of short-lived trees that stand 10cm above the ground that amaze any viewer of the miracle of God and the will of hard-working people to harness the potential power of nature.
However, if we pass on the experience of this experienced man"s ingenuity and hard work, his great and maritime heart cannot be forgotten, for in all these years he has cultivated his garden and witnessed the abundance of divine blessings, he hasn’t forgotten the poor. He says his only motivation for continuing her work has been to pay his debt back to his home country.
This great man distributes 2.5 ton of fruit each year among the poor for the joy of his father"s soul, which has cultivated the love of nature in his heart. The outskirts of the city also enjoy the blessings of this garden, and he says he is trying to make Hamedan, which he calls the city "Atlas," famous in the world and make Hamedan famous.
Malekzadeh"s activities are not just in the area of nature and his familiarity with flowers and plants, but he is known for being a true friend of the environment among his fellow citizens. He is often praised for his passion and concern for the environment. And has received the national badge.
Malekzadeh has taught “Green course” for 16 years in high schools of Hamadan province and has authored 1320 scientific papers and has published many scientific articles on flowers and plants and the spiritual value of garden cultivation and space development in local and scientific journals.
The Hamadan horticultural scientist, who considers the fruit and vegetable crops of his garden not to be a product of poisoning and chemical fertilizers, described the recent measures he has taken: "a combination of potato plant and tomato plant leads to a product in which under the soil there is potato and above the ground there is tomato”.
Malekzadeh, who has transplanted watermelon to desert thistle, produces seedless apricots and seedless apples, said: "My main achievement that was highlighted by the media 30 years ago was the cultivation of a type of grape that has grown 12 times a year.
Dehydration was the only thing that could force this hard working gardener to complain.
He says: “I barely provide the water needed to irrigate the garden, and in the summer, though I bring water from a large non-drinking resources to the heart of the mountain, I still plant seedlings and some young trees in the garden”.
Malekzadeh has built small pools for storing water that he uses in addition to irrigation to grow fish.
A seasoned gardener with no sense of exhaustion, works on the trees and plants of the garden for 14 hours a day.
Responding to the question of how he continues to be motivated to continue his research over the years, Malekzadeh said, “This world is not a place to sleep, we have a long time to sleep in the world.”
He continued: "I think if someone had an oxygen capsule for an hour and went under the sea with it, what would he do something under the lake for an hour? Would he play or look for a pearl to bring with him?”
That"s the world, too. You should find your pearl in this little opportunity.

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